For individual visitors
For spontaneous visitors who like to be flexible (45 minutes)
Do you make decisions on the spur of the moment? If so, this tour lets you spontaneously "take off" and explore the most important parts of the apron in a bus.
- You can purchase tickets in Terminal 1, Concourse C, Level 2 (departure). Please follow the sign "FRA Airport Tours & Shop". Our opening hours are daily from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
- We kindly ask you to be at the meeting point listed in your booking confirmation 30 minutes before tour departure
- All tours booked via the Online-Shop are available in German only.
- Physically challenged persons are also welcome on our tours. However, please contact our booking office beforehand on a weekday.
- Please make sure you meet the visa requirements for leaving the airport’s transit zone.
Did you enjoy the tour or do you have any suggestions? Please let us know!
If you have questions, feel free to contact us
Phone: +49 (0)69 690 - 70291
Fax: +49 (0)69 690 - 53341
E-Mail: rundfahrten@fraport.de
Our recommendation: take public transportation
Frankfurt Airport tends to be very busy on weekends, holidays, and during school vacations. The availability of parking spaces can therefore be limited. We advise visitors to use public transportation for getting to and from the airport. There are excellent bus and train connections from downtown Frankfurt and the surrounding region. If you have a Frankfurt Card (external link) or RheinMainCard (external link) , you’re entitled to discounts.
Pedal Your Way
Alternatively, you can cycle and get exercise while enjoying the countryside. Frankfurt Airport is integrated in the region’s dense network of scenic bike paths. Useful information and tips for getting there by bicycle are available in the Hesse Cycling Route Planner (external link) and this map (both only available in German). Along the way, you can stop at points close to the runways for a unique view of planes taxiing, landing and taking off.