Meeters & Greeters

You want to pick someone up from Frankfurt Airport or bring them there? Here you can get information about parking and stopping possibilities and costs.

Please park in one of the car parks close to the terminals for a fee of only € 3.00 up to 30 minutes. Only use the drop-off areas at the terminal’s if absolutely necessary. At peak times, there can be considerable waiting times, especially at baggage claim. You should take this into account when planning the pick-up of travellers by car.

Parking options

Please make a note of the following information:

  • Airline
  • Flight number and arrival date
  • Schedule arrival time
  • Where the flight is arriving from

It will let you get your bearings at the airport. The following can help:

  • Signs around and within the airport
  • The flight display boards in the middle of each terminal
  • Interactive information kiosks
  • Staffed information desks
  • Information phones (dial 01806-3724636 or 01806-FRAINFO)*

* €0.20 per call from German landline phones; calls from German cell phones can cost up to €0.60 per call.