Personal Shopper Service

Our Personal Shoppers can turn your shopping at Frankfurt Airport into an uniquely enjoyable experience! They can advise you on currently popular products and are familiar with all of the main brands sold at the airport. And perhaps most importantly, they can help you communicate with shop staff. Our Personal Shoppers speak Englisch, German, Mandarin or Vietnamese fluently. They are equally at home with the cultures of China/Vietnam and Europe. Our Personal Shoppers are also available to help you deal with the customs service and obtain value-added tax refunds.


This service is free of charge, and you can also reserve it in advance.


Where to find the Personal Shoppers:
You can find Personal Shoppers every day in the marketplaces of both airport terminals. They are wearing a blue-and-white uniform and a shoulder bag with a Chinese or Vietnamese flag.

Chinese Personal Shopper Contact / Reservations
Phone:    +49 (0) 176 60359860

Vietnamese Personal Shopper Contact / Reservations
Phone:  +49 (0) 17660362073