Help in case of social emergency
We are happy to advise you if you have problems with your ticket, passport or visa, are in a financial emergency or overwhelmed by an unexpected situation at the airport - regardless of your religion or background. We help in emergency situations.
Church Social Services provide…
We are happy to advise you and show you possible support measures. In a protected space you can find peace and sort out your thoughts. Our principle is to help you help yourself; with your consent, of course.
We negotiate for you with airlines, authorities and consulates. Our goal is to enable you to continue your journey and get home. If this is not possible, accommodation can be arranged.
We inform you about your options regarding your onward travel as well as financing possibilities and arrange contacts to authorities, consulates and other institutions. If necessary, you can also obtain food or clothing through us.
Advice centersTerminal 1
Departures Hall C, opposite Entrance 8
Room 2029 and Room 2039
We are here for you
- Carla Rosenberger und Jana Südhoff (Counseling)
- Simone Roßbach (Management)
Our work is supported by volunteers who can be found mainly at counter 700.1 in Terminal 1.
Office hours:
Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Terminal 1, Building 201A, HBK 261
D-60549 Frankfurt am Main
+49 (0)69 690-50201 and +49 (0)69 690-47131
Account for donations
Evangelische Bank e.G.
IBAN DE11 5206 0410 0104 0002 00
Designated use: Church Social Services for Passengers